Monday, September 21, 2009

Rock the Mic for a Cure

I met Turea Hutson when she was just 17 years old and a first time contestant in the Miss Philadelphia Pageant. Turea survived ovarian cancer at age 16 and now at a gorgeous, cancer-free 24 years old is fighting to promote ovarian cancer awareness and to raise funding to find a cure for this disease. Turea created a talent show fundraiser at Plymouth Meeting Friends School and it was a great success! All proceeds were donated to Fox Chase Cancer Center's new Women's Health Center.

Turea Hutson and Dr. Robert Burger, Directorof the Fox Chase Cancer Center's new Women's Center.

"We're going to treat the whole patient and
focus heavily on each woman's
quality of life."
— Dr. Burger

Newtown Market Day

I was proud to promote the Newtown Chamber Orchestra at Newtown Market Day on Saturday, September 19th. They receive funding from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and have a cd for sale and a great free concert for kids planned this March at Pennsbury High School in Bucks County.

Rosh Hashana

Friday was Rosh Hashana, which is the Jewish New Year. I cooked dinner for fifteen guests and we enjoyed a special seder celebrating a sweet new year. Under the tutelage of Chef Georges Perrier, Jonathan learned to make "floating islands", which are merengues drizzled in caramel in creme anglaise.

Guy Savoy in Philly

Jonathan, Chef Perrier, Me, Chef Savoy, and Mary Beth Walling

Internationally acclaimed chef Guy Savoy is in Philadelphia for a brief visit and we had the most decadent evening on Sunday, September 20th. We savored a seven course meal with the Walling Family at Le Bec Fin.

Fundraiser for Arlen Specter

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, Governor Ed Rendell, Senator Arlen Specter, and President Obama, oh boy! I had the opportunity to attend the fundraiser for Senator Arlen Specter at the PA. Convention Center on Tuesday, September 15th. I met the Senator and was thoroughly smooshed in the Presidential mosh pit (see below). Hearing the President of the United States speak in person was an inspiring and life-defining moment!